There’s an interesting academic paper that came out recently:

The Right to be Publicly Naked: A Defence of Nudism

Although the paper was published in September 2018 and has been discussed briefly in a few naturist forums, now is a good time to subject it to careful scrutiny, because a summary of it has just been published in Issue 38.3 (Spring 2019) of The Naturist Society’s “N” magazine. Unfortunately, the article hasn’t been published online, as far as I know. If you care about the public nudity issue, it’s probably best to read the original paper anyhow.

via The right to be publicly naked

Naturism and Body Image — The Midwest Naturist

A paper published last January in Britain looked into the effects of naturism on body image and self esteem. They correctly site the problem: “Negative body image in both women and men derives from exposure to, and pressure to achieve, unrealistic ideals of attractiveness.” We are bombarded daily with perfect body shapes in advertising, television, […]

via Naturism and Body Image — The Midwest Naturist

Xtreme Parents | Living in Sunsport Gardens

So I came across this today, and I find it rather interesting.

It seams to me, that the editorial slant on this is rather judgemental, however, the people being interviewed come across as thoughtful, loving parents with strong convictions.  Their children seams well adjusted.   Sunsport Gardens is an interesting place.  I’ve long admired it, though I’ve yet to get the chance to visit it.

Check it out…Xtreme Parents: Growing Up Nudist.

How we became naturists (Part I)

Here is a great series of posts about One families journey into naturism. Very good.

A Naturist Family’s Blog

Becoming a naturist was an intellectual process for me. There were a few events that contributed to the start of the process. One warm afternoon in 2013, our next door neighbor came to us saying that our son and her grandson had dropped their pants in their back yard and were looking at each others penises. She didn’t make too big a deal out of it, but in the back of my mind I started to freak out: Oh no! He is too young to be interested in sexual things. How are we going to deal with that? Thankfully, my wife was also there and simply told our son that dropping his pants in our neighbors back yard was not appropriate. Soon after, while reflecting on the incident, I realized that this was not something sexual, just little boys’ curiosity.

The next event that happened, was the realization that not every mature…

View original post 397 more words

A Naturist Family's Blog

Becoming a naturist was an intellectual process for me. There were a few events that contributed to the start of the process. One warm afternoon in 2013, our next door neighbor came to us saying that our son and her grandson had dropped their pants in their back yard and were looking at each others penises. She didn’t make too big a deal out of it, but in the back of my mind I started to freak out: Oh no! He is too young to be interested in sexual things. How are we going to deal with that? Thankfully, my wife was also there and simply told our son that dropping his pants in our neighbors back yard was not appropriate. Soon after, while reflecting on the incident, I realized that this was not something sexual, just little boys’ curiosity.

The next event that happened, was the realization that not every mature…

View original post 397 more words

Body Acceptance

be yourself

Body acceptance

One of the greatest personal benefits to the philosophy & practice of naturism is developing a greater sense of body acceptance. In our material world, the goal of having a body like what you see in the magazines, on TV, and in the movies seams to be the ruler that we all measure against.

By adopting the philosophy & practice of naturism, you will discover that every body is beautiful.  That every body is worthy.  That every body is different.  There are tall bodies, short bodies, fluffy bodies, skinny bodies.  There are endless variations of every element that makes up the human form.  And as you see the variation, you begin to realize that the variations are all beautiful.  And that even though there may be parts of your own body that you are less then satisfied with, you don’t need to feel ashamed of it.  You will come to embrace your own body. Read more

Preparing your children for a world of ubiquitous pornography

Raising righteous children in a world full of corruption and evil cannot be accomplished by locking them away in a high tower like Rapunzel.

One of the scariest propositions we have to face as parents is our children encountering pornography and becoming corrupted by it.

The quarantine approach to preparing children to face a world full of pornography is a misguided approach that will lead to tragedy. An example how this approach is misguided can be illustrated by the Native American being decimated by the diseases brought by the Europeans.  As many as 90 percent of the native peoples of America died of diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox because unlike the Europeans, the native peoples had no resistance to these diseases. American Indians at European Contact

As Christians, we’re taught to be in the world but not of the world.  Raising our children away in a locked tower is not raising them in the world. It does not prepare them to meet the challenges and temptations that they will face as they sojourn in the world. Read more